Monday, April 4, 2011


Assalamualaikum and happy april everyone..

Alhamdulillah byk keje2 dah berjaya disiapka.. waaa!

btw i missed something in this blog, about my BIRTHDAy!! hahahaha thanx to my love, Shahrin Ashraf Shahrizal for the suprised becoming birthday party.. kawan2 yg turut sama hadir pd malam tuh.. thanx a lot sume!! i love you more...

tok Ika n seha yg blnja karaoke, thanx a lot kawan!!! :)

tok family tercinta, adik sayang sume sbb sambut birthday kat umah.. ( tiap2 tahun pon tak pnh miss lg sambut ).. but seriously I miss my 1oth birthday, sbb kek besar meja n im still wearing a gown :(...

thanx a lot for all those wishes dari fb, hp, call.. termasuk present lg, adooyy tak terbalas rasenye kalu kena pulang balik..

* pics sume adalah tontonan sendiri, so malas nak upload.. hahaha

papepon, Im 2o years old now.. praying n hoping for the best ever.. Amin

p/s I love you Shahrin Ashraf Shahrizal

Thursday, February 10, 2011

welcome 2011..!!

I knew, im a bit late to wish it.. yea.. im rarely here..

thankies for all had happened along 2010.. most of you make my life wonderful.. unless for the certain things of mine.. mhmm not to forget, is I wanna tell you that I has achieved a few of my 2010's resolution..

1. I'm some body's GIRLFRIEND now..
2. I got a license and car too.. ( thanx mama for all that )
3. I'm succeed in controlling my emotions..

well people, as you know, I'm with Shahrin Ashraf Shahrizal.. do pray for us..
honestly I'm hoping to be his's soon..

ohh yeaa.. study.. everything goes smoothly.. I'm in part 4 now.. OMG I never think I can be here..
I growth up so fast.. hahaha

what I learnt in 2010?
a looooottttttt of things.. maturity cant be measured rite :)

anyway, I always pray for the good in 2011...
for me, my family, my lover and all the people around me..